12 inch
Albums scraped2021-12-12T04:57:32.711Z
Last updated2021-12-13T02:14:50.784Z
Released at
77Nasty Savage - Nasty Savage1985
13Nuclear Assault - Brain Death1986
50Agent Steel - Mad Locust Rising1986
84Agent Steel - Mad Locust Rising E.P.1986
47Mercyful Fate - The Beginning1987-06-24
72Saint Vitus - Thirsty and Miserable1987
45Nasty Savage - Abstract Reality1988
81Winter - Into Darkness1990
51Autopsy - Retribution For The Dead1991-02
99Nuclear Assault - Fight To Be Free1991
67Corrosion of Conformity - Vote With a Bullet1992
15Soundgarden - Spoonman1994-02-11
83Sons of Otis - Paid To Suffer1994
19Corrupted - Nadie1995
49Corrupted - Nadie EP1995
14Sons of Otis - Spacejumbofudge1996-02
18Church of Misery - Vol. 11997
93Burning Witch - Rift. Canyon. Dreams1998
6Mercyful Fate - Evil1999
71Warhorse - The Priestess2000
39Thou - Degradation of Human Life2001-04-03
55Worship - Last Vinyl Before Doomsday2001
24Sunn O))) - Veils It White2003-09-04
2Buried at Sea - She Lived For Others But Died For Us2004-06
4Sunn O))) - Cro-Monolithic Remixes For an Iron Age2004-11-08
62Baroness - Second2005-09-05
88Graves at Sea - Graves At Sea/Asunder Split2005
100Asunder - Graves At Sea/Asunder Split2005
95Unearthly Trance - The Trident2006-04-04
68Black Cobra - Bestial2006-04-25
69Accept Death - Accept Death2006-07-10
31Wreck of the Hesperus - The Sunken Threshold2006-10-02
74Electric Wizard - Electric Wizard/Reverend Bizarre2006
96Son of Jor-El - Son of Jor-el2006
87Trap Them - Sleepwell Deconstructor2007-04-03
60Thou - Tears That Soak a Callous Heart2007-08-07
43Black Boned Angel - Eternal Love / Eternal Hunger2007-08-23
78Kongh - Kongh / Ocean Chief split 12"2008-03-05
21Thou - The Retaliation Of The Immutable Force Of Nature2008-09
26Church of Misery - Dennis Nilsen2008-10-07
35Trap Them - Seizures In Barren Praise2008-11-11
82Sardonis - SardoniS - SardoniS2008-11-27
1Black Breath - Razor to Oblivion2008
11Saturnalia Temple - UR2008
17Rot in Hell - Hallways Of The Always2008
64Aldebaran - From Forgotten Tombs2008
97The Bottle Doom Lazy Band - Blood for the Bloodking2008
98Rue - A Heart Held By Demons2008
53Zoroaster - Voice of Saturn2009-03-10
20Church of Misery - Greetings from Jonestown2009-05-07
12Nadja - Clinging To The Edge Of The Sky2009-05-10
28Ocean Chief - Den Förste2009-07
79Black Cobra - Chronomega2009-09-29
54Mohoram Atta - Degradation of Human Life2009-10-00
5Obliteration - Nekropsalms2009-11-23
8Thou - Baton Rouge, You Have Much to Answer For2009-11-24
42Shadow of the Torturer - Marching Into Chaos2009-11
61Ramesses - Baptism of the Walking Dead2009
80The Killer - Not All Who Are Lost2009
90Conan - Horseback Battle Hammer2010-01-04
63Monarch - Sabbat Noir2010-03-29
57Black Breath - Heavy Breathing2010-03-30
22Thou - Summit2010-06
25The Secret - Solve Et Coagula2010-09-28
44Union Of Sleep - Death In The Place of Rebirth2010-10-00
70Kylesa - Spiral Shadow2010-10-25
91Procession - Destroyers of the Faith2010-12-08
3Trap Them - Filth Rations2010-12
29Trap Them - Seance Prime: The Complete Recordings2010
7Rot in Hell - As Pearls Before Swine2011-02-01
46Weedeater - Jason... the Dragon2011-03-01
38Saturnalia Temple - Aion of Drakon2011-04-30
36Ramesses - Chrome Pineal2011-05-16
27Thou - Big City2011-05-22
9Thou - To The Chaos Wizard Youth2011-06-06
32Moloch - Possession2011-06-15
10Thou - The Archer & the Owle2011-08-02
48The Wounded Kings - In the Chapel of the Black Hand2011-09-01
65Bell Witch - Bell Witch2011-10-03
85Black Cobra - Invernal2011-10-11
30Thou - We Pass Like Night, From Land to Land2011
56Pilgrim - Misery Wizard2012-01-27
94Conan - Monnos2012-03-15
23Rituals - Rituals2012-03-20
33Black Breath - Sentenced to Life2012-03-27
66Voivod - Live at Roadburn 20112012-04-12
37The Secret - Agnus Dei2012-10-23
59Leechfeast - Hideous Illusions2012
73Conan - Mount Wrath: Live At Roadburn 20122013-02-01
86Kongh - Sole Creation2013-02-05
75Asva - split picture 12"2013-03-11
41Zozobra - Savage Masters2013-04-02
34Grey - Sisters of the Wyrd2013-06-19
92war wolf - Crushing The Ways Of The Old2013-11-00
76Moloch - Tears That Soak a Callous Heart2013
89Monolith Cult - Run From the Light2013
58Thou - Dwell in the Darkness of Thought and Drink the Poison of Life2014-11-00
40Black Shape of Nexus - S/T2015-07-19
52Thou - Our Enemy Civilization2015-10-16
16Mercyful Fate - Nuns Have No Fun2016